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Applications of Non-chemical Methods for Insect Pests Control in Sustainable Agriculture


永續性農業為目前農業發展的新趨向,如何改變害蟲的管理策略,將是永續性農業的重要課題之一。多年來本場從事非農藥防治法對數種害蟲的應用研究,已具有成效,所得結果包括(1)利用斑潛蠅對黃色有偏好之習性,於簡易設施內非洲菊園畦面,每隔二公尺放置黃色黏板一片,自定植起即長期誘殺非洲菊斑潛蠅(”Liriomyza trifolii” (Burgess))成蟲,經二個月後非洲菊之被害葉率可減少23.8%,防治效果達37.4%。因此,若能利用黃色黏板長期誘殺,與藥劑配合使用,將可有效減輕非洲菊斑潛蠅對非洲菊之危害。(2)梨瘤蚜(”Aphanostigma piri” (Cholodkovsky))為梨之重要害蟲,性喜棲息於陰暗處,因此套袋梨被害相當嚴重,且套袋後施藥效果均欠佳,可於套袋高接梨之接穗先用45℃溫水浸泡30分鐘,能完全殺死接穗上之梨瘤蚜;再於高接後,以凡士林或黃油環狀塗抹於接穗處,可100%防止冬季藏於樹幹上之梨瘤蚜往果穗上遷移繁殖,避免果穗上梨果之被害,如此能克服套袋後施藥防治之困難。(3)為減少唐菖蒲及百合種球攜帶根蟎,可於貯藏前後用40℃溫水浸種二小時,或用45℃溫水浸種0.5~1小時,可100%殺死在種球上之根蟎,比用藥劑處理更有效,又無毒害問題;另外,供溫水處理用之中型恆溫水槽已由本場開發成功。(4)分別利用富士營養劑1,000倍、尿素200倍、奶粉100倍 + 酒精50倍或白蘭洗潔精1,000倍等非農藥物質,均勻噴施於作物葉背上,對二點葉蟎(”Tetranychus urticae” Kock)及神澤葉蟎(”T. Kanzawai” Kishida)約有70~80%的防治效果,並可保護天敵-捕植蟎,此類非農藥物質若能與殺蟎劑輪流使用,將可提高對葉蟎之防治效果。


非農藥防治 害蟲 防治


Non-chemical methods of controlling insect pests becomes very inportant subject of stady in sustainable agriculture in recent years. The writers conducted a series of researcher on this subject as a part of overal sustainable Agricultural researcher in the Taichung District Agricultural Improvement station the results of studies reported in this paper are summarized in the following. In view of their preference for yellow color, yellow sticky boards at 2-meter apart are placed in African chrysanthemum field under simple structure to attract adult American serpentine leafminer, ”Liriomyza trifolli” Burgess. In one exper iment, leaf damage of chrysanthemum was reduced by 23.8% and rate of control reached to 37.4% in two months. Therefore, long-term attraction of leafminer by yellow sticky board in combination with chemical spray will effectively reduce the damage of African chrysanthemum. Pear phylloxera, ”Aphanostigma piri” Cholodkovsky, usuall inhabitats in dark places and will seriously damage pear fruits protected by bagging. And Insecticide spraying is hindered by the paper bag wrapping. Treatment of pear scions by soaking in 45 C for 30 min can eliminate all pear phylloxera. Subsequent application of vaseline or grease oil around the branch at grafting area will prevent the migration of phylloxera overwintering on the tree. Soaking of gladiolus and lily bulbs in water at 40 C for 2 h or at 45 C for 0.5-1 h before storage will kill completely the bulb mite, ”Rhizoglyphus robini” Claparede. This treatment is more effective than chemical treatment. A medium-size constant temperature waterbath has been developed by this Station especially for this purpose. Spray the underside of crop foliage with non-pesticidal materials, i.e., Fuji nutrient solution (1000x dilution), urea (200x), milk powder (100x) + ethanol (50x) or Bai-lan liquid detergent (1000x) can have 70-80% control efficacy against two-spotted spider mite, ”Tetranychus urtica” Kock, and Kanzawa spider mite, ”T. Kanzawai” Kishida while exert protective effect on their natural enemy, predacious mites. Alternate usage of these treatments with acaricides can improve the control of these mites.


Non-chemicals Insect Control
