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The Characteristic of Fruit Shoots and Flower-bud Initiation of Loquat






The fruiting shoots of loquat could classify into three kinds: central shoot, fruit scar shoot and side shoot. The central shoot is developed from unbearing shoots of last year or from the spring shoot having vigorous growth rate, larger stem and leaf, late flower-bud initation stage, lager fruit and better quality. Due to the vigorous growth rate of central shoot, if it encounter over-application of fertilizer or heavy rain fall in summer, the shoot will outgrow and have few flower buds. The water shoot is ofter removed before flower-bud initiation stage. The strong shoot is trained in horizontal form or spray growth retardant to inhibit shoot growth on August-September. The fruit scar shoot is developed from the fruit cluster base after harvest, have less vigor than central shoot. If the fruit scar shoot is under proper management at April to October, it can bear larger flower cluster, have high flower bud formation rate, larger fruit size, higher sugar content fruit. The fruit scar shoot is the major bearing shoot in loquat production. At spring season, the axillary shoot is grow from strong shoot, sometimes is surpass the central shoot. The axillary shoot have longer internode, smaller leaves, thinner stem, it is not sitable for bearing fruits.


