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Varietal Improvement of Special Crops and Newly Line Election of Fresh Edible Sugarcane


為提高國產薏苡、蕎麥單位面積產量及食用紅甘蔗品質與產量,本場於民國88年至91年進行薏苡、蕎麥及食用紅甘蔗新品系產量比較試驗並於民國90年進行食用紅甘蔗新品系區域試驗。結果薏苡選出全農系分、京都旭、中里在來、岡山3號及鳩力等5品系,晉升新品系區域試驗,其中以全農系分之表現最佳,具有抗葉枯病、抗倒伏、良質及高產等特性。蕎麥選出TARI 40051、50039、50041、CIFA 38、39及九江苦蕎等6品系晉升新品系區域試驗,其中以九江苦蕎之表現最佳,具有半矮性株高、中熟及高產等特性,每公頃產量3,088 kg,比臺中1號增加35.9%,食用紅甘蔗選出臺中育2、5、6、9、10號等5品系參加90年新品系區域試驗,結果以臺中育10號之表現最佳,具有蔗莖長、中間5節長度長、第5節節間直徑粗、總可溶性固形物及產量高等特性,每公頃蔗莖產量高達124,138 kg,比埔里地方種增加17.7%。


薏苡 蕎麥 紅甘蔗 品種選育


In orber to icnrease unit yield of job's-tears, buckwheat also to increase unit yield and quality of fresh edible sugarcone, in Taichung district station, trials on newly indroduced lies yield in the 1999-2002, The regional trial on newly lines in the 2001. The results showed that job's-tears Chuannong line, kingdushih, okayama No.3 and Juli had the best yield profomance which was 0.3-12.3% higher than that of check variet Taichung No. 1. That Tatary buckwheat TARI 50039, 50041, CIFA 38, 39 and Chiu Chiang had the best yield profomance, which was 18.9-35.9% higher than that of check variety Taichung No. 1. The fresh edible sugarcane Taichung yu No 2, 5, 6, 9 and 10 in 8.7-17.7% higher than that of check variety ”Pule local”, Taichung yu No. 10 have the highest plant height (228.7 cm) the longest middle5-node length (51.4 cm) highest total soluble solids (19.1 °Brix) and highest yield (121,801 kg/ha).
