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The Current Status and the Promotion Strategy of Grape Industry in Taiwan


葡萄為高產值的重要經濟果樹之一,年產值約新台幣24億元,種植面積3,200餘公頃,主要產地集中於中部地區的彰化、台中、南投及苗栗等縣。台灣葡萄生產藉由產期調節技術之操作,可以一年多收,配合貯藏可達到周年產銷之目標。我國自91年加入世界貿易組織後,為因應進口果品對產業之衝擊,行政院農業委員會已採取下列產銷輔導措施,包括:1.選育多樣化品種與穩定產期調節技術。2.建立合理化肥培管理、病蟲害綜合防治、果園管理機械化及共同作業等,以降低產銷成本。3.提昇產品品質及品牌之建立,與進口產品區隔。4.進口監視與產銷預警,穩定價格。5.拓銷國、內外市場。期藉由上述葡萄產銷輔導措施,增強產業競爭力,以降低產業之衝 擊,維護產業之永續經營。


葡萄 產業 產銷 策略


Grape is one of the important economic fruit trees that have high yield and high income in Taiwan, its annual production value is NT$ 2.4 billion. The cultivation acreage of grapevine is over 3,200 hectares, the main production area is concentrated around Changhua, Taichung, Nantou and Miaoli counties in central Taiwan. Multiple productions of grapes in a year could be reached by the manipulation of forcing culture techniques, together with the amount released from cold storage, the markets are supplied whole the year. Taiwan jointed to the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2002, the Council of Agriculture proposed the following policies on the production and marketing to face the impacts that come from the imported fruits.1. Breeding, selection and diversification production of the grape variety, as well as the stabilization of the harvesting regulation techniques.2. The establishment of the reasonable fertilization management, integrated insect and pest control, mechanized management and co-operation, thus to reduce the production and marketing cost.3. The improvement of the local product quality and the establishment of trade-mark, which can separate from the imported products.4. The market price can be stabilized by the monitoring on the importation and the early-warning system on production and marketing.5. Expansion of the domestic and oversea markets.It is expected that the competitiveness of the grape industry will be strengthened and the impacts will be minimized through these methods for the production and marketing of grapes, and the sustained management of the industry could be last forever.


Grape Industry Production and Marketing Strategy


