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Integrated Techniques for Grape Disease Management




葡萄 病害 整合性管理


Grape is one of important economical fruit trees in Taiwan. So far, the cultivation area of grape has been planted about three thousand and five hundred hectares mainly in Chunghua county, Taichung county, Natou county and Mawli county in Taiwan, and the distribution ratio for each county is about 48%, 26%, 13% and 12%, respectively. According to the harvesting stage, there are two major growth seasons of viticulture in Taiwan. The first season is called ”summer fruits” which is from February to July. The second season of viticulture is called ”winter fruit” which grows from August to next January. However, some growth season of viticulture in location of higher elevation and in greenhouse, is from April to October and December to next April, respectively. There are several diseases of grape that occur in different seasons of grape growth due to the higher temperature and relative humidity in Taiwan. The common and severe diseases of grape in Taiwan are bunch rot, ripe rot, white rot, bird's eye rot, bitter rot, rust, powdery mildew and downy mildew during the growth seasons. According to our investigations, these important diseases of grape may occure a few different in each cultivation area, but the diseases usually appear in order and regularly around the year. Consequently, application of integrated management of grape disease, such as fungicide use, bagging, and stringent clearance of field during growth season and dormant period, could be effectively reached and adopted by growers in different cultivation areas through the realization of disease pattern and the chronology of grape.


Grape, Disease Integrated management Control


