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A Novel Design of Dynamic Root Floating Hydroponic System Specially for Leafy Vegetable Cultivation in Humid Hot Season


動態浮根式水耕栽培系統(Dynamic Root Floating Hydroponic System, DRF Hydroponic System)是筆者服務之臺中區農業改良場於1986年底開發完成之一套適合熱帶地區氣候之動態浮根式水耕栽培系統。本「動態浮根式水耕栽培系統」,係由自行研發之空氣混入器、雙套環式排液器、氣根式栽培床、矮架組合式網溫室,落差連續式漸近濃度養液管理法、撥捍式播種器等本土化之資材而組合成一套適合亞熱帶氣候條件的水耕栽培系統。動態浮根式水耕栽培系統之適栽特性,係基於植物栽種於本水耕系統時其根系在每次營養液之灌排流程中,隨養液之昇降而上下左右波動,且隨植物根系之伸長時,藉由栽培床之水位自動昇降排液器,使營養液由7~8公分逐漸降至4~5公分。因 之,上位根部可露於空氣層中而誘導產生氣根去增加根部活性,及利用養液離流經空氣混入器而增加16%溶氧量,如詞此而無懼夏季高溫所引起溶氧量缺乏之困擾及矮架組合式網溫室具抗強颱效力。本項「動態浮根式水耕栽培系統」于1990年4月21日起獲頒中華民國經濟部中央標準局兩項十年新型專利;推廣至今除臺灣島內遍地開花外,在外島如澎湖、東引、東砂島及國外如泰國、新加坡、馬來西亞、香港、斐濟、南非、關島、塞班、帛硫及加勒比海聖克里斯多福等,都可看到動態浮根式葉菜水耕栽培系統的蹤跡。


High temperature is known to be the limiting factor of growing vegetables during the summer season in Taiwan. In order to solve this problem, we initiated a research work on nutrient culture technique so that to produce the pesticide free and high quality vegetables under the subtropical condition of Taiwan in 1984. After a series of experiment of various nutrient culture systems designed by Taichung District Agricultural Improvement Station, we found that the high temperature coupled with the shortage of dissolved oxygen (DO) in the nutrient are the main reasons why the yield of vegetables is so low in the conventional type of soilless culture under the subtropical condition. The designs for various nutrient flow system had been made to overcome these difficulties. Finally, we develop a new system called dynamic root floating (DRF) hydroponic system which is proven to be ideal to grow various kinds of vegetables not only during the hot summer season but even better in the rest of seasons of a year. The DRF hydroponic system was designed to compose with aero-root type culture unit, aspirator, water level adjuster, the typhoon-proof low-height plastic house and nutrient concentration gradient controller. The controller was designed to keep air space 0~4 cm in depth between water level and panel of culture bed. The sufficient oxygen supply is attained through up and down movement (4~8 cm) of water flow with the help of specially designed air aspirator and water level adjuster. Because of ample oxygen supply and keeping root alternatively in wet and semi-dry conditions, the roots grow vigorously all the time, resulted in a high productivity of vegetables even under the high temperature condition. Our DRF system can be installed either in a small scale for home garden or extended to be a big commercial production scale. DRF is operated by the automatic system therefore much labor can be saved. This system can withstand against heavy rainfall and free from insect and disease damages if it is properly managed.
