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The Study of Off-season Production and It's Development of Mango (Mangifera indica L.)


臺灣芒果是近年來積極推動外銷的果品之一,年產值超過17,000仟美元以上。芒果產業的發展歸功於‘愛文’等改良種芒果的引進,與當時為了改善山地農村經濟而推 動「芒果生產專區」等政策輔導有關,促使芒果產業發展,生產面積劇增而超過15,000公頃,成為單一果樹種類面積最大者。然而,芒果產期相當集中,無法滿足市場需求,於是開發了一些產期調節技術以延長供貨期。現今臺灣芒果產期調節技術大致上可分為利用地理環境的差異、品種、栽培技術等三種方法,地理環境是利用種植地區南北地域性或利用不同海拔高度的氣候差異性,品種則有早、晚生的區別,栽培技術則是利用環剝、摘花、水分控制、設施栽培、藥劑處理等方法,藉由此三種方法的互相配合,臺灣芒果的產期可由3月直到11月。然而,基於芒果本身的生理特性與臺灣地域性的狹小等限制,若欲達到全年穩定生產的目標有其相對的難度,其間仍有待試驗研究及其商榷的必要性。


In Taiwan, mango is selected among the fruits industry to be a vital importance fruit by government for the export plan. Thanks for introduced mango new varieties, including 'Irwin', 'Keitt' etc., from USA and promoted the 'improvement of farmers' livelihood at hillside area' plan by government during 1954-1973, the mango industry developed so fast that its planted area is up to 15,000 ha. And now, it is the biggest fruit industry and gross output value is more than 1,700,000 dollars. But the mango production period is concentrate almost on 2-3 months of a year in Taiwan. It must be regulated to match the demand of the market. There are three methods to forcing or regulate mango production period in Taiwan. First, we planted mango at different latitude area or altitude area which can slightly change their production period due to the climate difference. Secondly, more and more mango varieties such as early/late harvest varieties were bred and planted. Finally, the culture techniques, including girdling, panicle pruning, controlled water status, facility protection and plant growth regulators etc, were used to combine with the different varieties at different area, we can elongate the mango production period from March to November. However, those are not enough for the market demands. It should be need more research and plans to reach the goal for all-year-round production of mango in Taiwan.


mango mango industry forcing plant growth regulators
