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Promotion Practices of Organic and Eco-Friendly Farming at Ilan and Hualien County




有機 友善 宜蘭 花蓮


Since 1986, it has evaluated the feasibility of promoting organic farming. In 1988, it began field trials and began to demonstrate related organic farming technology since 1994. It has been more than 30 years since then, and the area of domestic organic agriculture has been verified to 7,916 hectares. It accounts for 1% of the 790,000 hectares of cultivated land in Taiwan. In order to promote organic farming, it adopted the "Organic Agriculture Promotion Law" on the Third Reading of the Legislative Yuan on May 8, 2018, and cooperated with the policies of friendly farming. The development of domestic organic agriculture is just around the corner. Organic agriculture is particularly prosperous in the eastern Taiwan region. In addition to no-pollution production environment, it relies on the R&D and perfecting of the technology to promote the system. In the early stage, the establishment of technology and counseling was the main focus, in order to promote regional production and increase participation, in 2002. In the year, the concept of "organic village" was promoted, and the promotion of production, life and ecology was effectively integrated. Since 2008, the concept of "ecosystem services" has been introduced into the organic production system, and the construction technology and ecology of farmland ecological environment have been gradually established. Indicator species; in 2015, the concept of "Satoyama Initiative" was incorporated into production, and agricultural production was viewed on a large scale. It is expected that producers and consumers will pay attention to the relationship between production and their environment.


Organic farming Eco-friendly Ilan Hualien
