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The Development and Effectiveness of Agricultural Machinery in Sweet Potato for Labor Savings


2017年桃園區農業改良場完成曳引機附掛甘藷去藤收穫一貫作業機之開發,經多次在不同甘藷生產區,從事田間甘藷去藤、挖掘試驗,結果顯示甘藷收穫順暢,除了可用於取代人工解決勞動力短缺外,也可降低生產成本,甘藷外表不破皮,品質不受機械收穫影響。採用本機可同時完成去藤及收穫,節省購買二套農機成本支出,附掛於30hp(以上)曳引機作業效率一小時可收穫0.2 ha,比人工收穫快60-80倍。機械收穫0.1 ha成本400元,人工需6,000元,每0.1 ha可節省5,600元,本機甚具有市場潛力,目前已經技術移轉於農機廠商開始量產。


曳引機 甘藷 去藤 收穫


In 2017, Taoyuan District Agricultural Research and Extension Station has developed a tractor mounted once-over harvester for sweet potatoes. After several tests in different cultivation sites, it showed the vine removing, digging and picking were completed at one go without damaging the skin. It replaces the human labor and reduces the production cost, and at the same time, the appearance of the sweet potato is not damaged by mechanical harvest. The mounted harvester shares a 30-hp tractor which can also mount other agricultural equipment. The once-over harvester can harvest 0.2 ha in one hour which is 60-80 times faster than the human labor. The harvesting cost is 400 NT$ per 0.1 ha and the saving is 5,600 NT$ as compared to 6,000 NT$ of human labor harvesting. The harvester has great market potential and is technically transferred to agricultural machinery manufacturer for mass production.


Tractor Sweet potato Cut stem Harvest
