  • 期刊


Investigation of Elderly Lifelong Learning Needs and Integration of Unused School Space


背景:近年來台灣地區生育率快速下降,學生入學人數逐年減少,導致國小、國中教室閒置空間逐年增加,同時,由於都市建設及福利設施等較為完善,高齡老人平均壽命延長,人數快速增加且聚集於都市,其終生學習交流空間缺乏已成為現代都市空間規劃之新課題。目的:了解高齡者終生學習需求、興趣、各種學習場所缺乏之實際類別,依其類別之活動方式發展其空間模式,提供高齡者所需之學習空間,同時又兼顧國小減班所衍生出校園閒置空間問題,予以活化再利用,整合社區資源,乃是本研究探討之主要課題。方法:以65歲以上高齡者362人為調查對象,依學習需求、興趣、各種學習場所缺乏等擬訂問卷210題,內容分為醫療保健,藝術欣賞,生活技能,休閒活動以及心靈需求等五大類別,每項類別又依特性需求及活動不同,分為55小類,以Likert Scale四分法計分。整體問卷信度Cronbach為0.83,效度採專家效度。資料整理分析以相關、平均數、標準差及排行榜排列優先秩序。結果:高齡者終生學習在五大類別學習需求的優先秩序分別為醫療保健(3.40),藝術欣賞(2.93),生活技能(2.84),休閒活動(2.79)以及心靈需求(2.66)等。高齡者終生學習在五大類別學習需求及興趣的優先秩序分別為醫療保健(3.09),藝術欣賞(2.84),生活技能(2.75),休閒活動(2.69)以及心靈需求(2.58)等。高齡者終生學習在五大類別空間缺乏的優先秩序分為醫療保健(3.31),生活技能(3.21),藝術欣賞(3.10),休閒活動(3.07)以及心靈需求(3.05)等,空間缺乏以醫療保健中之健身運動、疾病介紹、醫療知識分數較高。研究者依上項五大類別之學習需求、興趣及學習場所缺乏調查結果,分析其學習之活動方式,提出其空間初步規劃模式。結論/實務應用:由高齡者終生學習需求、興趣及學習缺乏調查結果找出高齡者學習需求面,利用國校閒置空間作為高齡者學習空間為供應面,其預期效益除可解決國校閒置空間問題之外、還可提供高齡者終生學習所需空間,經歷學習而減少社福支出、保存當地傳統產業及文化特色而復甦當地經濟。本研究結論應可供國內都市地區整合高齡、少子化閒置空間再利用之參考。


Backgrounds: According to rapid decline in fertility of Taiwan, enrolling students are decreased obviously in recent years. The classroom in elementary, junior high school unused was increased. On the other hand, the lacking of space for elderly lifelong learning needs is getting severely. How to integrate of learning space and keep balance of social resources are the most important issues for the present.Purposes: The purposes of this study was to assess elderly lifelong learning needs, interests and lacking learning space, in order to develop behavior pattern and space planning model according to research needs.Methods: The research design of this study was a survey research. Purposive sampling and research objectives 362 over 65 year's elderly in northern Taiwan community were used. A structured questionnaire including learning needs (55), interest (55), and lack of learning place (55) were used. Five dimensions: health care prevention, art appreciation, living skills, recreational activity and spiritual needs were included. Total 210 questions are included in this study. Likert scale 4 point was used to collect data. The score over 2.5 indicated positive needs. The internal consistence for this questionnaire Cronbach's alpha was 0.83. The validity was based on 7 experts' opinion. Data was analyzed by correlation, mean, standard deviation and ranking.Resultss and application: The learning needs in five dimensions are: healthcare prevention (3.40), art appreciation (2.93), living skills (2.84), recreational activities (2.79) and spiritual needs (2.66). The interests are ranked as follow: healthcare prevention (3.09), art appreciation (2.84), living skills (2.75), recreational activities (2.69) and spiritual needs (2.58). The lack of space priority is: Health care prevention (3.31), art appreciation (3.21), living skills (3.10), recreational activity (3.07) and spiritual needs (3.05).The higher scores for lacking space in healthcare prevention are medical knowledge, exercise and introduction of disease place. The researcher developed behavior pattern and space planning model according to elderly research needs.Conclusions: This study found that the sequence of five learning needs of elderly are demand side. To use of unused space of elemental school for elderly learning space is the supply side. The expected benefits of the results of space integration would not only solve unused space of elemental schools, but also to reduce welfare spending by lifelong learning of the elderly, revive the local economy by preserving the local industry characteristics, preserving the local culture by the elderly experience pass and so on. From the balancing resource of land use point of view, the result of this Study can contribute to the integration space planning for elderly lifelong learning needs and unused school space.


