  • 期刊


The Effects of Applying With Relaxation Therapy on Improving Sleep Quality for Intensive Care Unit


背景:好的睡眠品質對身體、健康、精神及情緒有很大影響,更能促進健康。加護病房個案面臨外在環境及個人身體因素導致失眠或睡眠剝奪,引發急性混亂因而導致住院日數延長、死亡率增加及醫院花費。目的:本研究目的在藉由鬆弛療法改善加護病房個案睡眠品質。方法:研究設計採單組前後側設計的類實驗研究法,以北部某區域教學醫院內外科加護病房個案為研究對象,共收案50人,分肌肉按摩及音樂療法二組介入措施。本研究測量採維辛式睡眠量表為評量介入成效工具。結果:肌肉按摩療法能有效改善個案睡眠品質(67±29.43 vs. 86.96±22.98, p<.01)另外,音樂療法亦能明顯提升睡眠品質效果(74.8±28.96 vs. 101.08±24.14, p<.01),兩種介入措施對加護病房個案的睡眠品質具顯著差異。前三項排名,在肌肉按摩為:昨天下午傍晚都沒睡覺(p<.01)、睡醒後覺得精神飽滿(p<.01)、整夜未曾醒來過(p<.05);在音樂療法為:睡眠中不怕攪擾(p<.01)、睡得非常安穩(p<.01)、睡醒後覺得精神飽滿(p<.01)。結論/實務應用:研究結果可提供加護病房在安排護理照護活動時重要的參考依據,有效促進加護病房個案恢復健康,同時亦提升護理照護品質。


Background: Quality of sleep affects prognosis directly, however critically ill patient often experience insomnia or sleep deprivation caused by ICU environment. Specially, staying on sleep deprivation may contribute to the acute confusion, may increase length of stay, mortality and use of more medical and nursing manpower. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of relaxation therapy has held by a nursing intervention on improving sleep quality for intensive care unit patients. Methods: The study used Quasi-Experimental of one single group pretest-posttest design The sample selected from a regional Teaching hospital in northern Taiwan, comprising 50 patients in Intensive Care Unit, divided into muscle massage therapy and music therapy. Quality of sleep was measured by VHS sleep scale and analyzed. Results: Study results show Massage therapy and music therapy effect Quality of Sleep (67±29.43 vs. 86.96±22.98, p <.01) and (74.8±28.96 vs. 101.08±24.14, p <.01). Intervention effect are significant. Significantly improve the quality of sleep after the test the first three items, massage therapy: did not sleep yesterday afternoon, the evening (p <.01), woke up, I felt full of energy ( p <. 01) and followed by all night never woke up( p <.05). Music therapy: not afraid to disturb sleep ( p <.01), sleep is very stable" (p <.01), and woke up, I felt full of energy ( p <.01). Conclusions/Implications for practice: Study findings provide information to guide clinical practice and the development of interventions, to promote the health and the profession of hospital service for intensive care unit patients.


