  • 期刊


Developing an Evaluation Framework for Occupation Safety and Health Management


背景:勞動部衡量國內勞動環境實際需要及國際職業安全衛生發展趨勢後,研擬「職業安全衛生法」修正草案,擴大適用範圍至各行各業外,並提出修正重點,以期重新建置我國職業安全衛生防護體系。目的:本研究彙整國內外相關文獻與案例,並針對我國職業安全衛生法修訂重點,率先提出我國推動職業安全衛生管理之評估架構。方法:由模糊德爾菲法(Fuzzy Delphi Method, FDM)彙整國內相關領域專家學者之共識,確立符合我國現況之安全衛生評估架構。結果:提出我國推動職業安全衛生管理之評估架構,其包含「機具物料管理」、「職業災害預防」、「性別平等制度」、「製程安全評估」、「安衛文化促進」等五大推動要點,共25項評估指標。結論/實務應用:本研究最終確立之評估架構,除可作為我國後續附屬法規修法以及研擬相關具體辦法參考外,更可讓先前未受安全衛生法規範之各行各業,有一更簡易評估自身安全衛生推動現況之工具。


Background: In order to build an effective management system for implementing the operation of safety and health, the performance indicators should be taken to measure the management of safety and health for continual improvement in the prevention of workplace incidents and accidents. Purposes: Through literature review of the relevant domestic and overseas resources, an evaluation framework for occupational safety and health management was developed. Methods: The Fuzzy Delphi Method (FDM) was applied to confirm and finalize this evaluation framework. Results: The five major domain of this research are "material and equipment management", "occupational accidents prevention", "equality of the sexes", "process safety assessment", and "promotion of safety and health culture". Under these five major domains, it developed 25 factors to appropriate evaluation indicators of occupational safety and health. Conclusions/Implications for Practice: It suggests this evaluation framework should be validated with case studies or actual implementation for further work.


