  • 期刊


Educational Thought of Han Jia Yi




賈誼 太子教育 漢代教育 新書


Han Jia Yi is renowned Confucian scholar, namely young talented names, very appreciated by the Emperor esteem, then leaving Yi Yi Yin favoritism by other minister exclusion jealousy, eventually demoted Changsha Wang Taifu, Jia Yi for political reform apparently determined to be material setbacks, but also have the opportunity to make Yi enforce its educational thought and philosophy, but unfortunately Liang huai soon died due to accident, resulting in Jia Yi also spin and grief over the death of Jia Yi educational thinking not know how to practice, but to analyze the information by Jia Yi Education, its educational philosophy is based on the Confucian-oriented, and learn the experience of legalism, so pay attention to the practical utility of education, while the ultimate goal of learning are expected to be able to implement in the future, in order to achieve the effectiveness of education, on the other hand is very Jia Yi Prince focused education for the future because of the monarch, Prince, such as being able to lead Prince, will be able to create an ideal monarch, so this article will attempt to analyze the Yi of education, and to understand the impact of the Han Dynasty Education.


Jia Yi Prince education Han education


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