  • 期刊


Dementia Family Caregiver's Loss: A Concept Analysis




The prevalence of dementia family caregiver's loss is an existent phenomenon and an important part of our lives. The dyadic identity relationship between care giver and care receiver has been changed once one of the lovers was diagnosed with dementia. With the caregiving process of assessed the patient's condition and accumulated caregiving burden, the dementia family caregiver will fell to lose the person with dementia who is usually mutual trust, sharing, and entrusted with caregiver would be deprived of the sense of loss. Reviewing the literatures, there is not systematic concept analysis of dementia family caregiver's loss. According to the methodology of concept analysis by Walker and Avant (2005), this article propose the concept analysis of dementia family caregiver's loss to define attributes with model case, borderline case, and contrary case. The antecedents and congruency with empirical references are also included. After recognizing the concept of dementia family caregiver's loss, the caregiver by coping based on empathy with care receiver can reach dyadic well-being.


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