  • 期刊


Inhabitants' participating motivations and benefit recognitions for international lantern festival


2019台灣燈會主燈區在屏東大鵬灣國家風景區舉行,這裡是全台最大的單口潟湖,還有全台唯一可開合的跨海大橋,主辦單位配合地形地貌,融合傳統、科技、海洋、農業、熱帶等「具有屏東特色的台灣新文化」元素,點亮這片寧靜的灣域。辦理國際燈會節慶活動對地方帶來的效益可能會有兩極化的評價,因此在地居民的參與與認同感對燈會辦理成效實具影響力。本研究以此為基礎,探討居民國際燈會節慶活動參與動機與效益認知相關議題,以2019年大鵬灣國家風景區台灣燈會為例,並採用問卷調查法進行資料收集。資料收集完成後,本研究以統計軟體 SPSS 12.0進行分析,主要包含因素分析、平均數差異檢定及相關分析等。相關研究結果,將可作為未來縣市政府爭取辦理台灣燈會活動獲得居民認同並吸引居民共同參與可行作法之參考。


The major spot of Taiwan Lantern Festival, 2019 was held in Dapeng Bay National Scenic Area. It is the largest single-mouth lagoon in Taiwan, and has the only one cross-sea bridge that can open and close itself in Taiwan. To hold international lantern activities will produce different appraisals, so the inhabitants’ participation and support will have influences on results. Therefore, this research focused on the issues about participating motivations and benefit recognitions of international lantern festivals. The researcher used questionnaire survey for data collection. After that, the researcher executed analyses through the statistical software SPSS 12.0, including methods of factor analyses, t-test, ANOVA, and correlation analyses. The results can make references for the authorities concerned to strive for auspices and for the inhabitants to co-participate.


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