  • 期刊


Case Series of the clinical application of Guizhi decoction




Guizhi decoction, derived from《The Typhoid Theory》written by Zhang Zhong-jing in the Han dynasty, can not only harmonize the nutrient and defense of the body surface, but also fortify the qi and fluid of the digestive system. According to《The Typhoid Theory》,Guizhi decoction is utilized on common cold for patient who is qideficiency on the body surface. What's more, in light of the experience written in《The Synopsis of Golden Chamber》,Guizhi decoction can also balance and strengthen the immune system during pregnancy and postpartum. Guizhi decoction suits for patient who is physically weak and qi-deficiency on the body surface. It can be used on a wide variety of disease effectively, including adding spleen-tonifying and kidney-invigorating drugs to treat post-infectious cough, adding blood-nourishing and dispelling wind drugs to treat atopic eczema, or combining drugs that improve qi and blood circulation with Guizhi decoction to relieve angina pectoris. Furthermor, through combining meridian-warming drugs with Guizhi decoction can also treat multiple arthritis or sciatica having cold hiding in the spleen or kidney system.


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