  • 期刊


Identification and Biological Activity of Frankincense with Recent Progress in the Treatment of Non-healing Wound using Jinchuang Ointment


『乳香』是橄欖科乳香屬卡氏乳香樹(Boswellia carterii Birdw.)或其同屬植物樹皮滲出的油膠樹脂,為中醫傷科常用藥。在臨床上,乳香最常配伍沒藥合併使用,也包括以治療糖尿病患慢性不癒合傷口著稱的『金創膏』。首先,我們以此中藥為例,說明其近期在照護傷口上的進展。近年來,由於過度採集與棲地遭受破壞,一些『乳香』原生樹種目前已經瀕危。市售的『乳香』商品,因而普遍存在有摻假的問題。本文首先簡述各種『乳香』的鑑定方法,比較他們之間的利弊,並且介紹最近新開發的技術,以基質輔助雷射脫附遊離飛行式質譜來鑑定『乳香』。文末也討論了『乳香』的各式生物活性,及可能的作用機轉。


Frankincense is a gum resin exuded by the bark of Boswellia carterii Birdw or the trees belonging to the genus Boswellia (family Burseraceae). It is widely used in traditional Chinese medicine. Frankincense and myrrh are frequently used together in the clinic, including the well-known herbal medicine, Jinchuang ointment. At first, we introduced the recent progress in treating non-healing wound using Jinchuang ointment. Because Boswellia trees face the problems of habitat loss and human overuse, adulterated frankincense products, therefore, appear on the market. Various methods for the identification of frankincense samples were compared here. Meanwhile, we also introduced the newly developed matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight (MALDI TOF) mass spectrometry-based method to identify frankincense samples. Finally, frankincense's biological activities and possible working mechanisms were discussed.


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