  • 期刊


Investigating the Effectiveness of an Automatic Turning Air Mattress




Objective: This study compared an automatic turning air mattress to a regular mattress, identified their differences in terms of the pressure applied on pressure points on the skin of users with various levels of body mass index, and investigated these users' perceptions of the automatic turning air mattress. Method: A comparative research design was used in this study. Fifty male and female participants with five different levels of body mass index were recruited. A digital sensor system was used to detect the pressure on the skin at the points under the most pressure when lying in the supine, left lateral recumbent, and right lateral recumbent positions on the two types of mattresses (i.e., regular mattress and automatic turning air mattress). Then, the participants were asked to fill out a questionnaire regarding their experience of lying and turning on the different mattresses. Results: The average pressure at the points under the most pressure when the participants were on the automatic turning air mattress were lower than when the participants were on the regular mattress. The pressure points investigated in this study were the right shoulder, left shoulder, sacrum, right ankle, and left ankle when lying in the supine position; the right pelvis, right knee, and right ankle when lying in the right lateral recumbent position; and the left shoulder, left pelvis, and left ankle when lying in the left lateral recumbent position. The average pressure detected at said 11 pressure points were significantly different when the participants were on different mattresses. The participants tended to perceive their use of the automatic turning air mattress positively. Age was a major factor affecting the participants' overall perception, with older participants showing a less favorable perception. Conclusion: The study results revealed differences in the pressure exerted on pressure points on the skin and the usage perception of participants with different levels of body mass index when they used the automatic turning air mattress and the regular mattress. The results may provide critical insight into clinical trials on turning mattresses for patients with high risks of pressure injuries and serve as a reference for clinical care aimed at preventing pressure injuries.


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