  • 期刊


Enhancing the Oral Health of the Elderly in Communities: An Improvement Project


口腔健康是影響老人健康狀態的重要因素,提供老人口腔健康的積極照護,可減少疾病及提升生活品質。透過現況分析發現64位社區老人口腔健康狀況(Oral Health Assessment Tool, OHAT)平均7.10分,主因為社區內無相關口腔健康宣導課程、單位口腔照護規範不完整及缺乏衛教教具與宣導教材、社區老人口腔保健行為及知識不足。因此,本專案旨在提升社區老人口腔健康狀況(OHAT由7.10降至4.97分)。依據現況分析及文獻查證,擬定解決辦法:舉辦口腔健康衛教講座、建置口腔健康宣傳策略,包括:張貼宣導海報、播放衛教影片、購買口腔衛教教具,修訂單位工作手冊-納入口腔健康評估與照護計畫及製作口腔保健衛教手冊。結果:經由實施改善對策後社區老人口腔健康狀況總分平均由7.10分降低至4.40分,達到專案目的。本專案透過系列性、個別性口腔健康衛教宣導活動及教具的使用,有效的提升社區老人對口腔健康的重視與知識,進而建立良好的健康行為,可提供社區護理人員推動健康服務之參考。


Oral health is an important factor that affects the health of the elderly. Providing active care for the elderly's oral health can reduce the onset of diseases and enhance their quality of life. After analyzing the current oral health status of 64 elderly members of a community, we found that their oral health had an average score of 7.10 points. The reasons behind this included a lack of relevant oral health promotion courses in the community, incomplete oral care standards at the relevant department, insufficient teaching tools and promotion materials for health education, and inadequate oral health care behaviors and knowledge of the elderly in the community. Therefore, this project aimed to enhance the oral health status of the elderly in the community (decreasing Oral Health Assessment Tool (OHAT) score from 7.10 to 4.97 points). Based on an analysis of the current conditions and a literature review, we drafted several solutions such as holding oral health education lectures and establishing oral health promotion strategies, including posting promotional posters, showing health education videos, purchasing oral hygiene teaching tools, and revising relevant departmental work manuals (adding oral health assessment and care plans and putting together an instruction booklet for oral health). Results: The grand mean score of the oral health among the elderly in the community was reduced from 7.10 to 4.40 after implementing these improvement strategies, successfully reaching the aim of this project. This project adopted serial and individual oral health education promotion activities and teaching tools, effectively enhancing the elderly's awareness and knowledge on oral health in the community, and helping them establish good health behaviors. The findings of this project can be a reference for community nurses to promote health services.


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