  • 期刊

Study on Resistant Mechanism of Aseismic Countermeasure for Geosynthetic-Reinforced Wall and Leaning Type Retaining Wall


Based on the results from 1 g shaking table model tests on retaining walls with embedded sheetpile and large diameter soil nailings which have been formerly conducted, analysis on the effects and resistant mechanisms of these aseismic countermeasures is carried out. It was found from the shaking table model tests that the sheetpile worked effectively to reduce tilting of the wall facing in case the wall was situated on horizontal subsoil, while it was not so effective in case the wall was situated on sloped subsoil. In contrast, the nailings worked effectively to improve seismic performance of the walls even though the wall was situated on the sloped subsoil. More detailed analyses were also made on the effects of the horizontal and vertical resistances mobilized by the sheetpile and those of the frictional resistances mobilized around the nailings in reducing the wall displacements.


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