  • 期刊


Principles and Significance of Various Aspects of Beijing Opera Apparel Management




服裝管理 衣箱 京劇服裝 箱管


The title of the professional who managed the apparel and accessories of Beijing opera performers was "Xiang Guan" in which "Xiang" means "box" and "Guan" means "manager". The apparel was not custom-made, and was not hung in a wardrobe as it is managed today. The boxes were classified into "large (primary) box", "secondary box", "flag box", and "hair box" etc. A Beijing opera troupe was a well-organized work group of professionals with various skill sets, including apparel management. A troupe stages a performance by collaboration. John Dewey (1859-1952) recognized "learning by doing" as a scientific methodology. The same methodology was applied by Beijing opera apparel management professionals who formulated the apparel management system by doing and making necessary adjustments with considerations in various factors such as economic effects, environment, and stage effects. These are valuable experience. The objectives of this study are for the exploration of the various tasks, system, environments, and causes leading to the development of the apparel management system of traditional Beijing opera. The research hopes to explore the thinking behind the traditional Beijing opera apparel management. Focuses of this study are shown in the following questions. I. What are the various tasks, work flow, system, and characteristics in traditional Beijing opera apparel management? II. What were the environments and thinking that led to the formulation of Beijing opera apparel management as a special skill? III. What are the values of Bejing opera apparel management? This research project was conducted in accordance with the methodology for studying historical events. The researcher observed and interviewed box management professionals. The box management methodology and system are documented in this study. The researcher also studied and documented the environments and thinking which led to the box management system in this study. The researcher found out that Beijing opera apparel management professionals classified the apparel into more than 40 types based on the types or characteristics of roles performed by the current and past performers. "Generalization" was observed in the apparel management. This expressed the generalization characteristics in Beijing opera art. It is an extraordinary achievement in apparel management. The apparel is folded neatly in order to make use the limited backstage space. This apparel management is very efficient and provides various options in apparel management.


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