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Prominent Taiwan-Technological Innovation in Taiwan Industries


在台灣加入WTO之後,面對國際品牌的強勢輸入,對於台灣本土中小企業的發展造成相當大的威脅,加上台灣產業因為大環境、勞工成本、政策等因素,而逐漸外移的情況下,未來台灣企業的競爭力究竟在哪裡?又該朝哪一個方向培植台灣產業的競爭力。事實上,企業的技術創新工作一直不斷的進行研發中,而全面的調查了解則是從1990年歐盟首先發起國際間的技術創新調查(Community Innovation Survey,CIS)開始,針對歐盟會員國之企業在技術創新過程中所投入的產出與效益等資料,進行分析了解,希望這樣廣泛的國際間技術創新的研究對於企業有所幫助,並且擴散創新政策發揮更大的效益。目前此項調查已經著手規劃第四次調查。為了充分了解台灣中小企業的創新活動,進而提出相關的策略,國科會近年也針對製造業及服務業進行企業技術創新的調查,並且精確的將技術創新定義為三個方向:「推出技術上的全新產品」、「推出技術上大幅改良的產品」、「使用新製程或技術上大幅改良的製程」。包括:公司內部自行從事或委託其他研發機構所進行的研發活動;專利、發明、註冊商標或是新研發的電腦軟體等知識經濟類;專門為了技術上新產品或製程所作的準備工作等,這些範疇都列入研究中。


技術創新 產業


To fully understand the innovation activities of small and medium enterprises in Taiwan and propose related strategies, the National Science Council recently surveys technological innovation in the manufacturing and service industries, and precisely defines technological innovation to be ”promoting technologically brand-new products,” ”issuing technologically greatly-improved products” and ”utilizing new or technologically considerably-refined products.” This research includes research and development activities by the company itself or assigning them to other institutions, knowledge economics such as patent, invention, trademark registration and new software development, and preparations for technologically new products or processing. The results of survey indicate that nearly half of the enterprises are quite slow-moving in technological innovation-almost half of these enterprises are loitering due to the lack of proper technological or research and development employees; around 30% of these enterprises are affected by the high risk of economics. That the factors of ceasing technological innovation tend to be quite similar in the meantime show that the availability of professional human resources who can offer assistance during the process of innovation decides whether technological innovation can be maintained or even thrived in the enterprises. In general, the larger scale of a manufacturing enterprise and a service enterprise it is, the higher proportion of research and development there will be; the competitiveness of the enterprise is thus strengthened. The comparison of the survey results with that of other countries demonstrate that although small and medium enterprises doesn't have abundant resources, still they make great efforts to be more competitive. Such a try will be a great help to better the future of the Industry.


Technological Innovation Industries


洪明洲譯、Quinn, J. B.、Baruch, J. J.、Zien, K. A.(2000)。知識管理與創新。台北:商周出版。
徐啟銘譯、Betz, F.(1993)。策略性科技管理。台北:揚智出版。
