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Study on the Sampling and Detection of Genetically Modified Agricultural Trading Product




基因改造 取樣 檢測


Commercial trading of genetically modified agricultural product has been an important business in worldwide. In recent year, regulations and management policy on the safety and labeling of GM products were also been setup in many countries. To accelerate and enhance the accuracy on the sampling and detection of GM product during import and export trading, this study has evaluated factor such as sampling methods on the detection of trading products. Five events of GM soybean including Lectin and RRS (roundup ready) series specific gene were used. Twenty methods of sampling were developed which could be categorized into three types. Type I described different sampling size in whole community; type II is gradual sampling method; type III is a ratio sampling in different kind of samples. The result of study indicated that type II method showed to be the optimum method in mass sampling. It could be used to simplify sampling procedure in custom registration.


http://www.monsanto.com/monsanto/content/our_pledge/transparency/prod_safety/roundup_soybean/pss.pdf (Monsanto website), 2004
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