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The Relationship Effects of Trust, Commitment, Communication on Cooperative Performance-A Study of Syndicated Loans in Taiwan.


在國內外的學術研究領域中,多以組織內成員、上下游關係的廠商或異業間的合作績效多作探索,對於競爭者之間的合作關係研究相對較少,尤其是以銀行為研究對象更是稀少,且國內就聯貸銀行間的合作關係與其對整合績效影響研究則是付諸闕如;期望藉此實證性研究了解競爭銀行間的合作關係。本研究欲探討我國銀行於聯貸案中合作夥伴間的承諾、溝通、信任對合作績效的影響。本研究係以目前台灣聯貸市場中具有主辦銀行經驗之本土及外商銀行所屬相關單位之主管與經辦人員為調查對象,有效樣本91份。本研究以描述性統計來描述樣本輪廓,使用同質性檢驗、極端組比較方法檢測本研究量表題項;以Cronbach's α檢視觀察變項的信度,並檢視觀測變項的內容效度、效標關聯效度;對蒐集的資料進行常態分配考驗與極端值檢視;檢視是否有違犯估計的情況產生;檢視潛在變項的建構信度;對模式適合度進行評估,以確信資料與所建立之模式的契合度。就驗證本研究之AMOS模型可知,銀行間的信任與聯貸業務上的合作績效,及溝通與承諾並不具因果關係;而溝通對合作績效、溝通對信任、信任對合成諾皆具有正向關係。對溝通而言,透過信任中介效果,可加強對承諾影響的提升;對信任而言,承諾的中介效果則可加強對合作績效的提升。而溝通對於合作績效影響的總效果為整個研究模型中最大者,顯見對於聯貸業務的合作關係中,溝通扮演最關鍵的角色,因此聯貸銀行可加強彼此溝通品質及訊息交流,對於合作績效的提升有最好的效果。


A thorough review of previous researches indicated that though there has been some research concerning competitors' cooperation, there has been virtually no research concerning cooperative relationship, especially in the field of syndicate loan in Taiwan banking industry. The research attempts to explore the causal relationships between communication and commitment, communication and trust, communication and cooperation, trust and commitment, trust and cooperation, as well as commitment and cooperation. The research adopted Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to analyze the goodness of fit for the research model. The respondents comprise of the managers and relative personnel with local and foreign banking experience.The results show in the syndicated loan there is no statistically significant causal relation between trust and cooperation, nor is the relationship between communication and trust. Communication has significant positive effect on trust. Both commitment and communication have significant positive effect on cooperation. Trust has significant positive effect on commitment, and both trust and commitment are the mediator variables in explaining how communication affects cooperation. The research suggest s that banks attempt to enhance communication quality and the information exchange. to achieve a better performance in syndicated loan.


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