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The global incidence of cancer continues to rise, with 14 million people diagnosed with cancer each year. Most cancers require a long-term, gradual process that is inevitably affected by lifestyle. Studies around the world have also shown that one-third of cancers can be prevented by changing lifestyles such as diet, weight maintenance and regular exercise. This study establishes an assessment index for risk factors for liver cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer, and colorectal cancer as a reference for cancer prevention. In this study, by setting the risk value of individual risk factors, the total risk value can be obtained by summing the risk value of each risk factor, and finally the index is divided into five risk levels. In this risk prediction indicator, there are a total of twelve variables in the significant change. The public can obtain the individual risk value by adding the risk value of each risk factor, and then distinguish the risk index to understand the cancer. The degree of risk is used as a reference for people to implement health promotion.


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