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The Study of Reactive Powder Concrete for Macro-Micro Property


活性粉混凝土係由惰性固體粒料及膠結漿體組合而成之複合材料,其中膠結漿體則由水、水泥及卜作嵐材料組成,本研究主要應用「Full's級配曲線配比設計法」,將水泥、飛灰與爐石參與堆積級配計算配比,探討其對活性粉混凝土巨微觀性質的影響。試驗項目包含抗壓強度、超音波波速、表面電阻等巨觀性質,並以電子顯微進行量測,以分析其化學反應過程之微觀結構特徵與水化產物之變動。結果顯示,Fuller 級配曲線配比模式設計之活性粉混凝土,水膠比(w/cm)愈低,水泥體積濃度愈高,膠結漿質愈佳,活性粉混凝土強度愈高,超音波速率愈快,其巨觀工程性質愈佳;微觀特性顯示水化初期以水泥水化產物為主,卜作嵐反應則必需待水化晚期。


The reactive powder concrete (mortar) is a particulate composite consisting of a continuous binder phase and a dispersed particulate phace. This study is drafted as the foundation with mixed model by Fuller's ideal grading curve for reactive powder concrete. The result shows the mixture proportion of solid particles designed by Fuller's curve reaches the maximum density higher than conventional mixture design methods. This approach provides a basic numerical analysis model for designing RPC with less water and cement content. We analyzed physical properties, including compressive strength, pulse velocity, electrical resistivity, and the macro-micro property for SEM. Our results show that the lower water-to-binder ratio (w/cm), the quality of RPC is better. Assuming no imperfections are present in a sample, then for the same w/cm and age, compressive strength, ultrasonic pulse velocity and electrical resistance are linearly proportional to the water-to-binder ratio; the pozzolance reaction is happened at long-term age.
