  • 會議論文
  • OpenAccess


Exploring the Changes of Keystones in Chinese Professional Baseball League: From the Aspect of Business Ecosystem


透過跨領域成員的合作,使成員發揮各自的資源與能力,創造最大的價值,正是「商業生態系統」(business ecosystem)的核心概念。而在商業生態系統裡,扮演最為重要的角色就是關鍵者,關鍵者是否在不同的階段發揮其影響力,係決定商業生態系統的長期發展。本研究以中華職棒做為研究對象,透過對「關鍵者」的觀察,探討其在中華職棒各階段所扮演的角色、權力來源、權力運用、及如何引進新的生態成員與功能,來影響中華職棒的長期發展。本研究的實證結果發現,關鍵者若能掌控中華職棒的運作規則,就能提供包含球團及媒體等利基者所需要的資源,幫助利基者生存並創造價值,而當生態系統內的成員種類或功能越多,就能藉由彼此的合作來創造最大的價值,維持生態系統的長期發展,進而避免踏入生態體系衰退的命運。


The core concept of business ecosystem is to encourage cooperation among actors within different fields and integrate their resources and capabilities in order to achieve the value maximization. Within a business ecosystem, keystones play the most important role since the long-term development of a business ecosystem is determined by whether the keystones can exercise their power in different stages. Thus, this research investigates the keystones in Chinese Professional Baseball League (CPBL) and explores their roles, sources of power, exercises of power, and how they bring new members and functions into the ecosystem of CPBL. Our results indicated that keystones are able to provide resources to the niche players when they can determine the rules of CPBL. Consequently, the ecosystem of CPBL can not only prevent a recession but also sustain its long-term development.


