  • 會議論文
  • OpenAccess


Corporate Governance and Social Responsibility: The Moderating Effect of Audit Supervision




This study explores the impact of corporate governance(CG) and audit supervision on companies' willing disclosure of Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR) information, and discusses the effect of audit supervision on CG performance and voluntary disclosure of CSR. The empirical results show that CG has a positive impact on companies' voluntary disclosure of CSR information, and shows that companies with better CG take a more positive attitude towards voluntary disclosure of information. Audit supervision has a positive impact on companies' voluntary exposure of CSR information, which shows that audit supervision can promote the voluntary disclosure of CSR information, that is, BIG4 check companies have higher willingness to expose CSR information willingness. In addition, it was found that audit supervision has a negative effect on CG and voluntary disclosure of CSR information.
