  • 期刊

Multivessel Coronary Artery Disease Presented With Normal Myocardial Perfusion Scan: The Significance of a High Transient Ischemic Dilation



Transient ischemic dilation (TID) is significantly correlated with stress-induced diffuse subendocardial hypoperfusion, and produces a visually larger left ventricular cavity. A high TID ratio is indicative of severe and extensive multi-vessel coronary artery disease (CAD) and high risk of cardiac events, even in acquisitions with normal perfusion. We report a case of a 65-year-old female with a long history of diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia, who had a non-ST elevation myocardial infarction in 2009 and underwent stent deployment for right coronary artery (RCA) disease. About 1 month ago, the patient had a sudden onset of dyspnea and retrosternal chest pressure while mopping that persisted for 30 min with a partial response to nitroglycerin. Myocardial perfusion study showed homogeneous distribution of radiotracer (thallium chloride) in stress and rest tests at all myocardial walls. However, a high TID ratio (1.58) was noted. Coronary angiogram revealed 90% proximal left anterior descending artery (LAD) stenosis, proximal RCA 50% in-stent restenosis, middle RCA 70% in-stent restenosis, and distal RCA 70% stenosis. Stenting of the LAD and distal RCA, and balloon dilatation of the RCA in-stent restenosis was performed. In this case with hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia and a previous history of CAD, the TID ratio provides incremental diagnostic value for the identification of severe and extensive CAD.


短暫性缺血性擴張(transient ischemic dilation, TID),與壓力誘導的瀰漫性心內膜下低灌注顯著相關,有視覺上較大的左心室腔。高TID值,表示嚴重及廣泛的多支冠狀動脈疾病,和高風險的心臟發生事件,縱使為正常心肌灌注掃描。我們報告一例65歲女性,長期患有糖尿病、高血壓和高脂血症,2009年患有非ST段抬高心肌梗塞,接受右冠狀動脈的支架置入術。1個月前,患者在拖地時,突然出現呼吸困難和胸骨後胸部壓迫,持續30 min,對硝酸甘油有部分反應。其心肌灌注檢查顯示,放射性示踪劑(TlCl)於所有心肌壁在壓力相和休息相皆均勻分布;然注意到有高的TID值(1.58)。冠狀動脈造影顯示,左前降支近端90%狹窄、右冠狀動脈近端50%支架內再狹窄,右冠狀動脈中段70%支架內再狹窄,右冠狀動脈遠端70%狹窄。於左前降支和右冠狀動脈遠端進行支架置入,以及於右冠狀動脈支架內再狹窄進行氣球擴張。該個案有高血壓、糖尿病、高脂血症和冠狀動脈疾病病史,TID值替嚴重及廣泛的冠狀動脈疾病的鑑識增加了診斷價值。
