  • 期刊


From Teaching Innovation to Course Design of General Education: Case Study of the Course "Literature and Life"


傳統純講授式的從眾、標準化教育,是單向線性式的教育模式,讓學生變得很被動,無法啟發學生的學習熱誠及動力。在大學的教學現場,學生活在數位化的時代,在課堂上常常一心多用,不停滑手機。尤其人文課程,不但容易懂,網路上隨時可以查得到資料,出席常只是為了點名,所以,神遊於掌上手機或周公的世界,是司空見慣的現象。因此,如何激發學生的學習動力,深化學生的學習成效,讓教學不是形式化的師生各盡其責,而是真正有所得的教與學,是相當迫切而需要的!近年來,風靡全球的結合平台作數位化學習的翻轉教育,加上MOOC(Massive openonline courses大規模線上課程)的運用,讓學習無遠弗屆。運用數位科技,讓學生在家先透過影片主動預習,課堂時間則用來討論、提問、寫作業、進行個別指導的「翻轉學習」(flipping learning)模式,翻轉過去老師先在課堂講解內容,學生再回家做作業的學習順序,讓學生可以自主學習,融入課程,有問題可以即時得到解答。這種數位化的教學模式,是否也可以運用在通識人文相關課程?是否可以全面取代傳統的教學模式?必須具備什麼先決條件?實際探討之後,了解它的便利與局限,再進行適合的教學模式。


Traditional teaching method is one-way. The teacher gives lectures, which makes students more passive and lose their fervor and learning motivation. In colleges, teachers face predicament of teaching. The materials of humanities courses can be found on the internet easily. In the digital age, most students use their cell phones in class. Therefore, how to increase student learning motivation is an urgent issue. Recently, flipping the classroom through digital learning is fashionable. MOOC (Massive open online courses)make learning possible anywhere and anytime. Through digital technologies, students can preview the courses at home. Time in the classroom is for discussion, Q and A, and writing. This is called flipping learning, which overturns the traditional teaching method. Students learn by themselves and their questions can be solved in time. My case study is to discuss whether this kind of teaching model can be used in humanities courses. Can traditional teaching methods be replaced by digital learningt? We must know the convenience and limitation of digital learning, and then we can build up the right teaching model for students of the digital age.


