  • 期刊


The Mental Construction and Countermeasure of Teaching Site: in Zhongzi's Self-Cultivation of the fasting of mind




莊子 人間世 教學 自然 無為 菑人 益多 心齋


Classes nowadays are not as simple as usual; especially students’ rising consciousness of the selves and diverse social tendencies have caused the dilemma between "teaching effectiveness" and "Self-development in the instructors." Teachers today need not only to accomplish in teaching achievements but also to avoid annoyance caused by the unsatisfactory circumstances on the scene of teaching. Since it is not easy to change the education system, the educators can only adjust their mindset to the changing environment. This paper discusses Zhuangzi’s Man in the World, whose theme is to interpret the intricate human relationships and the philosophy of knowing one’s place. Zhuangzi especially focuses on the relationship between teachers and students and the difficulties in this relation. In this paper, I’ll analyze how Zhuangzi explores interpersonal difficulties and proposes to apply the Inaction by Daoist to the classes of the present generation. The result may offer a practical theory to help educators to find a way to deal with the dilemmas of "the over reaction caused by excessive guidance" and "the sacrifice of the educational goals in order to please students."


Zhuangzi Man in the World teaching Nature (?) Inaction
