  • 期刊


A Study of Shakespeare's Othello and Verdi's Otello


威廉.莎士比亞 (William Shakespeare, 1564-1616) 在當時的英國為最受歡迎的劇作家之一,之後,莎士比亞獨具一格的創作手法,藉由印刷的普及,以及翻譯文學的盛行,流傳至世界各地,因而被譽為歐洲最有影響力的劇作家。然而,後人對於這股莎士比亞的熱潮並不止於戲劇方面的研究,在音樂方面,作曲家透過歌劇、交響曲以及藝術歌曲等媒介,將莎士比亞戲劇中的精髓展現在作品中,無非也是希望聽眾能更深入的了解莎士比亞戲劇的偉大之處。本文先藉由探討十九世紀所興起的歐洲文學運動,至義大利所帶動的莎士比亞戲劇的復興,進而深入研究當時改編文學劇本至歌劇作品風潮的背景,並將莎士比亞原著《奧賽羅》(Othello, 1603) 與十九世紀義大利歌劇作曲家威爾第(Giuseppe Verdi,1813-1901) 和劇作家包益多(Arrigo Boito, 1842-1918) 合作所改編的歌劇作品《奧泰羅》(Otello, 1887) 進行比較。從歌劇中對於劇情的刪減與配合原著所插入音樂的部份,都可看出改編者在不失原著精神的情況下,細膩的將音樂融合於劇情之中,而深入剖析威爾第晚年所創作的此齣歌劇作品,也了解到其成熟的創作手法,是如何的將劇情發揮至淋漓盡致的效果,也不難看出,威爾第的《奧泰羅》在改編自莎士比亞戲劇於歌劇的舞台上,佔有最重要的地位。


William Shakespeare (1564-1616) was one of the most popular playwrights around the turn of the seventeenth century in England. The legacy of his creativity has spread across borders to the rest of the world with the help of printing technology and translations of literature. Thus he was known as the most influential playwright in Europe. However, the study of the drama only marked the beginning of the upsurge of Shakespeare. Through opera, symphony, art songs and other media, some composers in the nineteenth century embodied the essence of Shakespearean works in their musical works in the hope that the audience would understand Shakespeare's literary greatness better. This paper will discuss firstly the rise of the European literary movement in the nineteenth century, secondly the revival of Shakespearean drama in Italy, and next the background of Shakespeare adaptations into operas. A comparison between Othello (1603), Shakespeare's original, and Otello (1887), a nineteenth-century Italian opera and a cooperative adaptation of the composer Giuseppe Verdi (1813-1901) and the playwright Arrigo Boito (1842-1918), will be provided. From the abridged plot and new music arrangements, it can be seen that the adapters delicately merged music into the story without losing the spirit of the original. By analyzing in depth Verdi's opera created in his old age, we are aware how his mature creative approach has brought Shakespeare's play to its most aesthetic effect. It is also obvious to see that Verdi's Otello plays the most important role on the opera stage of Shakespeare adaptations.


Shakespeare Verdi Othello European literary movement
