  • 期刊


The prediction of university athletes' gratitude on sportsmanship: The moderating effects of coach`s leadership behavior




Introduction: Sports ethics has been attracting attention in recent years, we often learn that many athletes did unethical behaviors unscrupulously in order to win. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between gratitude and sports ethics, also the moderating effects of coach's leadership style between above variables. Method: This study empirically measured the variables in college students using personal basic information, Gratitude Questionnaire (GQ), Leadership Scale for Sports (LSS) and the Extended version of the Multidimensional Sportsmanship Orientation Scale (EMSOS), estimated by use of pearson product-moment correlation and multiple hierarchical regression analysis to analyze data. Results: a) Gratitude can positively predict prosocial behavior. b) Autocratic behavior in perceived coach leadership style will modified the prediction between gratitude and sport moral behavior. c) Democratic behavior in perceived coach leadership style will modified the prediction between gratitude and sport moral behavior. Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, we highly recommended enhancing athlete's gratitude, promote democratic behavior in coach leadership style to those perform lower gratitude behavior athletes, and avoid autocratic behavior in coach leadership style. Make the best effort to improve athletes having sports moral in competition will promote the sports event more impartiality in the future.


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