  • 期刊


Application of Local Positioning System Combined with IMU to Measure Basketball Performance and Load


目的:局部定位系統(LPS)可追蹤運動員的位置並計算移動距離與速率,而慣性感測器(IMU)則可量測到運動員身體的活動強度,包括瞬間加速度、減速度、跳躍與碰撞等,繼而計算出運動員負荷(Player Load^(TM)),兩者結合可更全面的監控籃球運動表現及負荷。本研究將應用LPS結合IMU之運動感測系統來量測籃球運動員體能訓練與比賽訓練的運動表現與負荷,並與市售儀器所測得之數據進行比對。方法:12位男性大專籃球運動員於左肩上配帶Goalgo T1之感測器(LPS結合IMU),進行30公尺衝刺測驗及練習賽。測驗30公尺時同步使用FitLight Trainer^(TM)燈光反應訓練系統紀錄每10公尺分段時間;練習賽時則於右肩配戴NAXSEN之IMU,並利用加速規數據計算Player Load值。結果:Goalgo T1與FitLight在各分段時間與速度上,皆具有很高的相關性(r= .911-.997),僅有微小的偏差(< 4.3%)。在練習賽上,Goalgo T1與NAXSEN所測得之Player Load值有高度的相關性(r = .882, p < .001)。在練習賽中,Goalgo T1利用LPS另可計算球員移動距離、平均速率、最大速率、不同速率區間時間等數據。結論:LPS結合IMU可同時追蹤運動員的移動情形與身體活動的瞬間變化,從而量化運動表現以及監控運動負荷。相較於單獨使用燈光感應系統或IMU,LPS結合IMU是一個省時且提供更全面性資訊的運動感測工具。


穿戴裝置 表現 負荷 運動強度


Local position system (LPS) can locate the position of athletes and calculate their moving distance and velocity, whereas inertial measurement unit (IMU) can measure physical activity intensity including instant acceleration and deceleration, jumping, and impact, thereby calculating Player Load^(TM) index. Combining both sensors can more comprehensively monitor performance and external loading in basketball athletes. Purposes: This study used LPS with IMU system to measure the performance and load in physical training and competition training among basketball players and compared the outcome of the LPS with IMU system with other instruments. Methods: Twelve male college basketball players with a sensor of Goalgo T1 (LPS+IMU) on their left shoulder performed a 30-m sprint test and practice match. In 30-m sprint test, FitLight Trainer^(TM) Timing system was used to measure the time duration in each 10-m distance; in practice match, Naxsen IMU was set on player's right shoulder to measure the Player Load. Results: There was very high correlation (r = .911-.997, p < .05) in time duration and velocity in each 10-m distance between Goalgo T1 and FitLight as well as was a little difference (< 4.3%). In practice match, Player Loads between Goalgo T1 and Naxsen IMU have highly correlation (r = .882, p < .05). In addition to the Player Load, Goalgo T1 through LPS calculated player's distance covered, mean speed, peak speed, and time duration in different speed zones during practice match. Conclusions: LPS with IMU can simultaneously tracks player's moving and instant change of physical activity, thereby quantifying exercise performance and monitoring exercise load. The LPS with IMU is time-saving and provide more comprehensive information than using a light sensing system or IMU alone.


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