  • 期刊


Using Safety Management Issues to Explore the Use of Behavior-Based Safety Model as a Management Model for the Construction Industry


國內營造安全管理問題,多年來因工程低價搶標、層層轉包及趕工等現象,加上營造現場第一線基層勞工安全衛生觀念認知不足,其隱藏在民間小案場之危害狀態,都是造成職災千人率居高不下的原因。有感於勞工不安全行為是營造業職業災害發生的主因,而行為安全是可以透過觀察、評估、處置、改進來提升的。因此,本研究參考國際企業推動行為安全(Behaviour- Based Safety, BBS)之經驗,並就參與營造作業現場實務觀察與訪談結果,整理出國內營造安全管理隱憂,及勞工行為認知,藉以作為行為安全管理介入營造業管理模式之參考。透過安衛合理化檢討,激發與鼓勵安衛設施創新,正向鼓勵大企業的社會責任,加強小案場檢查,以制止其投機心理將風險轉嫁勞工等。同時,訂定齊一性的安衛設施標準化,以及一致性的檢查標準等,都有助於國內營造行為安全活動的促進。


Safety management issues have been proliferating in the construction industry in Taiwan. Because of reasons such as construction companies bidding low prices to win construction project bids, construction projects being subcontracted to construction companies after construction companies, workers rushing to meet deadlines, first-line workers' lack of health and safety-related knowledge at construction sites, and the danger that exists in small, local construction sites, the number of occupational hazards per thousand people have remained high in Taiwan. Because workers' unsafe behaviour is the primary reason contributing to occupational hazards and that safe behaviour can be encouraged through observations, assessments, and discipline, this study referred to the experience of international enterprises in promoting behaviour- based safety (BBS) and made observations as well as conducted interviews at construction sites to identify workers' cognitive behavior and implicit safety management problems in Taiwan's construction industry. The results are used as reference to show how behaviour-based safety management can be used as a management model for the construction industry. By rationalizing and reviewing health and safety-related issues, innovations in health and safety facilities can be inspired and encouraged, large enterprises' social responsibilities can be promoted, and small projects can be more thoroughly inspected to prevent companies from engaging in opportunistic behavior at the expense of worker health and safety. In addition, standards for health and safety facilities as well as consistent inspection standards can be set to encourage behaviour-based safety-oriented activities in Taiwan's construction industry.


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