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Public Policy and (New) Media Finance




With a view to exploring existing and normative relationships between public policy and media finance, this article takes 'financer's status' and 'public policy' as two differentiating dimensions, and proceeds accordingly to identify eight types of financial resources for producing media contents. To begin with, advertising as the most relied resources of media funding is discussed, its pitfalls exposed, and as its consequence, ideas and practices arising to amend weakness of advertisement-supported media are evaluated (taking Swedish newspapers as one key example). This is followed by contrasting the advertisement-financed press to the pay-wall model that has in recent years spread from the financial and the elite press to general newspapers. Drawing on various fresh financial experiences many a continental European countries have introduced for reforming their media in this digital convergence era, the final section of this paper assess the desirability and feasibility of copying or revising their policies, and accordingly whether traditional public service 'broadcasters' should be transformed into a more full-fledging public service 'media'


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