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Converting local tastes to market appeals: 'Variety film' as a spectacular genre of China' s movie industry, taking 'Running Man' as one example


在當今消費主義大社會背景與大眾文化的語境中,中國電影行業的發展趨向於商品化導向,IP(Intellectual property)電影在中國有愈演愈烈的趨勢;作為其分支的「綜藝大電影」的興起成為一個業界奇觀。「奔跑吧兄弟」電影通過6天拍攝於3天內回收超過3億人民幣票房,成為箇中翹楚。作為中國獨有的現象,「綜藝大電影」這個特殊案例的興起隱含了中國當代電影產業的動蕩,及其在市場化導向下的另類探索,本文通過梳理中國市場近來興起綜藝大電影的政治經濟面向的文化背景,發現其先延續了綜藝的在地化改良,並試圖加入一定電影元素,但依舊無法摒除綜藝與電影間的矛盾,但本研究認為「綜藝大電影」的出現,不失為活化中國電影市場的一個好現象。


Today, under the consumerism social background and the context of popular culture, the development of Chinese film industry tends to a guide of the commercialization, "IP movies" is getting much more popular, the rise of "The variety movie" become a spectacle in it. The movie 'Chinese Running Man', which quickly shot by six days, recovered more than 300 million yuan within three days, was one of the most success in this new type movie's field. As a unique phenomenon only in China, the rise of 'The variety Movie' implied the turmoil of Chinese contemporary film industry and the unique exploration under marketization. this paper tries to define 'The variety movie' under a culture's background in a political and economic orientation. The study finds this type of film follows its variety-it-self to present in localization, but it still can't digest the contradiction between 'variety' and 'movie'. All in all, it is a good sign for Chinese film market.
