  • 期刊


Outbreak of Varicella-zoster Virus Infection in an Intensive Care Unit of a Regional Hospital


帶狀疱疹(herpes zoster; shingles)和水痘(chickenpox; varicella)皆是由同一種水痘帶狀疱疹病毒(Varicella Zoster Virus ; VZV)所造成,是一種具有高度傳染力的疾病。本文報導發生在東部某區域醫院的加護病房的水痘群突發經過與防治;於2013年1月下旬有醫護人員於皮膚出現紅疹及水泡且伴隨有發燒的現象,經醫師診斷後確認為水痘感染,感管室介入調查後發現是由於一名感染帶狀疱疹的病患汙染環境及工作人員後造成爆發性傳染,感染病患名單,醫療工作人員共51名;爆發性傳染護理人員的病患名單共14名,皆安排進行VZV IgG血清免疫學分析,檢測結果陰性者安排施打疫苗。經由相關的感染管制措施介入後,該單位未再發現任何新的個案。


Varicella is an acute, highly contagious disease and caused by Varicella-zoster virus (VZV). After the primary infection, VZV induces varicella, and then the virus remains dormant in sensory nerve roots in life. Upon the reactivation, shingles can occur. All the objects probably contaminated by the droplet or airborne spread of vesicle fluid or secretions of the respiratory tract should be disinfected. Most of patients can recover very soon, but kinds of potentially severe complication can induce death. An outbreak of varicella infection was noted in intensive care unit (ICU) of a regional hospital in eastern Taiwan. After one patient developed the disease, four nurses showed the signs of infection 2 weeks later. A total of 65 persons including 14 patients and 51 healthcare workers were questioned as to the history of chickenpox, and serological analysis for the VZV antibody. Those who had not had the disease in the past were given the VZV IgG. The healthcare workers who had not had varicella or the vaccination were not allowed to care of the patients or the contacts, and advised to receive immunization. No case or further information was noted after the implementation of these infection control procedures. Prompt and effective management can prevent the spread of health-associated varicella infection.


VZV Outbreak Serological analysis
