  • 期刊

運用急診檢驗項目(Point-Of-Care Testing)儀器減少病人在急診滯留時間與提升醫療服務品質

Using Point-Of-Care Testing Instrument AQT90 to Reduce the Time Patients Stay in Emergency Room and Improve the Quality of Medical Services


近幾年來,急診業務量因夏季腸病毒及冬季的流感期而常導致其他疾病患者滯留急診時間變長,甚至延誤治療,也影響患者對醫院滿意度大幅降低,甚至產生負評。重視急重症的醫院,無不思考急診分流、降低急診等待報告時間及作出正確之診斷。以發炎、敗血症、心肌梗塞、心臟衰竭及肺栓塞等疾病而言,急診醫生需快速正確診斷及進行適當及時的治療,有鑑於檢驗科若能引進一台快速發報告檢驗儀器,將對急症的診療發揮極大作用,本研究比較AQT90 Flex analyzer自動化分析儀器之檢驗數值判斷與目前實驗室定量檢驗結果判讀的一致性,結果顯示Troponin-I、CK-MB和CRP三種檢驗項目與DxC880I的檢測結果一致性為100%。另外,D-Dimer及PCT (Procalcitonin)分析項目與VIDAS 3的結果以及NT-proBNP分析項目與Alere分析儀器檢測結果的一致性分別為100%、100%及90%。這些檢驗項目的平均報告時間約為15~34分鐘。根據這些發現,吾等認為AQT90 Flex analyzer將可提供急診病患之急重症照護。


Because of enterovirus infections in summer and flu in winter, the number of emergency services has dramatically increased in recent years. Management of these cases often leads to a delay in the treatment of patients with other diseases in the emergency room and complaints about the hospital. It is imperative to divert emergency services, reduce the turnaround time of lab tests, and make correct diagnosis, especially for patients with inflammatory diseases, sepsis, myocardial infarction, chronic heart failure, or pulmonary embolism. Instruments that can provide rapid diagnosis are crucial for emergency services. In this study, we compared the efficacy of the AQT90 Flex analyzer (POCT) to that of DXC880I in the measurement of Troponin-I, CK-MB, and CRP levels and found that results generated by both instruments agreed 100%. We also found that the levels of D-Dimer and PCT (Procalcitonin) determined by AQT90 agreed 100% with those measured by VIDAS 3 and that NT-proBNP levels assessed by AQT90 agreed 90% with those determined by the Alere analyzer. The average turnaround time of these tests by AQT90 was 15 to 34 minutes. Based on these findings, we concluded that the AQT90 POCT instrument can play an important role in the care of patients with acute and severe diseases in emergency room.


POCT Point of care testing consistency team care
