  • 會議論文


The Game-Based Learning Application of Sorting Algorithm on Smart Phone


本研究旨在開發一套排序演算法的遊戲式學習手機應用程式,透過ADDIE 教學開發流程,在設計階段將預測、觀察、解釋之學習步驟融入密室遊戲設計腳本。以密室遊戲的情境設計三關關卡,每一個關卡代表一種排序演算法。因此,三關遊戲中所代表的排序演算法分別為氣泡排序、選擇排序與插入排序。當學生透過三個學習步驟完成每一個排序的遊戲關卡之後,即可破關累積密室金鑰。當學生三關都破關,收集到開門密碼便可順利從密室遊戲中逃脫。受測對象為某大學大一修習資訊相關課程學生,共30 名。實驗之前,已事先針對受測者進行排序演算法前測,以及使用者使用手機及手機遊戲等相關經驗進行調查。實驗之後,再針對受測者進行排序演算法後測,以及遊戲式學習態度問卷調查。研究結果顯示學生在使用本手機應用程式完成遊戲式學習後,學習成效顯著提升,並且在遊戲式學習態度自陳調查中顯示出學生覺得本手機遊戲式學習應用程式具有高度的專注性和可遊戲性。


This study aimed at developing a smart phone application for learning the computational thinking of the sorting algorithms based on game-based learning. This study utilized ADDIE instructional development steps to design the game-based learning system, and employed the learning approach of prediction, observation, and exploration (POE) into the room-escape game design. The game based on the room-escape design totally contained three stages, and each stage represented a sorting algorithm. The three sorting algorithms designed in the game were bubble sort, selection sort and insertion sort. When the students cleared each stage based on the POE learning approach, they could get a key for opening the room. After the students cleared three stages, they would gain a password to open the door and escape from the room. Totally 30 freshmen enrolling in the information-related course in a national university participated in this study. Before the instructional experiment, the students took a pre-test of sorting algorithm and a survey of smart phone usage and game play experience. After the experiment, the students joined a post-test of sorting algorithm and an investigation of game-based learning. The results showed that the learning effectiveness of the three sorting algorithm were significantly improved. The students presented high concentration and perceived playfulness toward the game-based learning system on the smart phone.


