  • 期刊


Policy Analysis of Establishing the World-Class University in Taiwan from International Perspectives




Since the 1980s, the world has shifted the focus of higher education from quantity expansion to academic excellence. This forced many nations and Taiwan to adopt the policy of establishing world-class institutions. This paper studies the education policies of six countries, including Taiwan. Canada, France, Germany, Japan, Korea have taken various measures to build world class universities and to improve their higher education competitiveness. Remarkable measures are common among them, such as more funding for education and research, more focus on research capacity, more resources for talents cultivation and key universities. Taiwan has similar policies such as "Top University and Elite Research Center Development Plan" and "Top University Project". In this article, the goals and missions, requirements and criterions, main points and effectiveness, and existing problems of such plans are explored. It discusses the competition trend in higher education across the globe, as well as the complex dimensions of competition. Here, the author provides an analysis of the competition phenomenon from the global landscape as well as from the mentioned countries. Finally, this study concludes with some recommendations for Taiwan.


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