  • 期刊


Text Analysis of the Speech by Master Yulin Han


本文以數位人文研究常用之文本分析(text analysis)方法,以一貫道韓雨霖道長演講內容為研究材料,從1980-1989年及1990-1994年共計40篇韓道長的演講內容探究其核心思想。研究團隊成員先以人工聽打的方式將演講的語音資料數位化,所有文稿之總字數超過25萬5千字,然後以Python語言撰寫程式利用結巴中文斷詞工具找出語料中的關鍵字詞,並進行詞頻分析及利用Pandas建置資料庫,依據文本分析結果找出20個核心概念。本文透過嚴謹的語料庫數位化,以及自動化的文字探勘與量化分析方法,藉由韓道長在不同時期針對不同聽眾的演講內容探究其核心思想,從中爬梳韓道長的思想體系以及對道義的建構與詮釋,為韓道長之中心思想的相關研究提供更為客觀的基礎。


By using the text analysis method commonly used in digital humanities researches, this paper explores the core ideas of I-Kuan-Tao Master Yulin Han with the corpus of 40 speeches delivered by him in 1980-1989 and 1990-1994 as the research material. The research team members first digitized the speech data by manual listening and typing, and the total number of words in all documents exceeded 255,000 words. We used the Python programming language to develop tools for extracting key words from the corpus based on the Jieba Chines word segmentation tool, then analyzed word frequency and built a database with Pandas. From the results of text analysis, we identified 20 core ideas of Master Yulin Han. Through rigorous digitization of the corpus, and the automated methods of Text mining and quantitative analysis, this paper explores the core ideas of Master Yulin Han from his speeches delivered to different audience at different periods. Using this methodology, we can investigate the ideological system of Master Yulin Han and how he constructs and interprets the morality of I-Kuan-Tao, which provides a more objective basis for the related research of his core ideas.


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