  • 期刊


Text-Mining and Digital Humanities Analysis of "Eye-Opening" Consecration Ritual of Contemporary Yanling Daoist Altar of Tainan


本文利用文本探勘與GIS地理資訊技術,對臺南府城延陵道壇吳政憲道長的神像開光儀式疏文進行數位人文探索。文中將以Python擷取開光疏文中所蘊含之神明、宮廟、信徒資訊,接著以GIS時空分析與社會網絡分析對於延陵道壇儀式服務進行初步探索,以視覺化方式探究開光儀式的地理空間分佈;亦展示開光地點與神像間的網絡關係,藉此觀察開光神明與宮廟間之關聯性。本文旨在展示如何利用數位人文技術與工具協助人文研究,善用資訊技術可快速而大量處理具有模式化的文獻(如道士疏文),擷取其中關鍵性資料內容,再利用GIS與網絡分析探索開光疏文之空間意涵與網絡關係,發揮數位人文擅長之「鳥瞰」(distant reading),提出新問題意識,以作為下一步「近讀」(close reading)之基礎。


This article uses Digital Humanities methods and technologies, Text mining and GIS (geographic information system), to explore the ritual texts of the Deity "Eye-Opening" Consecration Ritual of Daoist Wu Zhengxian at the Yanling Daoist Altar in Tainan. The author will uses the Python data extraction technology to extract the information of deities, temples, and believers contained in the consecration ritual texts, and then uses GIS time-space analysis and social network analysis to examine the rituals of the Yanling Daoist altar. The article will demonstrates the visualization of the spatial distribution of the consecration rituals of the Yanling Daoist Altar. In addition, it will also illustrates the network relationship between the deities and the ritual locations, mostly temples. This article aims to show how the use of digital humanities technologies and tools can assist humanities research. The proper use of information technology can quickly and massively process patterned documents (such as Daoist ritual texts), extract key data content, and then use GIS spatial and network analysis to explore the spatial significance and network relationship behind the ritual texts. The author tries to make use of the "distant reading" of digital humanities and proposes new research questions for future studies combining combined with the "close reading" of traditional research approaches.


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