  • 期刊


Whaway Lottery(Hua Hoey)of Penang Chinese Community at the End of 19th Century


十九世纪末,花会赌博因其特点而普遍于当时槟城华人社会,特别是女性群体当中。花会给个人、家庭和社会带来严重的影响。当时执法者与民间在遏制花会方面尽了不少努力,但是收效不理想。是哪些因素促成这种现象的呢?因此本文试以1895 年至1900 年的《槟城新报》议论文章和新闻报道为基础材料探讨当时的花会现象。


At the end of the 19th century, Whaway lottery (Hua Hoey)was rife in Penang Chinese community. The characteristics of Whaway lottery was the main reason it dominated the gambling of Penang Chinese community, especially among women. The impact of Whaway lottery is severe to Penang Chinese community."Penang Sin Poe" reflected the severity of Whaway lottery to Chinese community. The British Colonial government and the Chinese community try to limit Whaway lottery. But the result is not obvious. What are the reasons behind these problems? This article attempts to discuss the above mentioned issues based on the commentary and news reports of "Penang Sin Poe" (1895-1900).
