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An Exploratory Study of Chinese Entrepreneur's Characteristics




Small and medium businesses constitute the majority of Taiwan businesses. Entrepreneurship is the heart of the start-up of small and medium businesses. Although the entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship behavior has been vastly studied in the western society, but the study of Chinese entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial behavior is just in the beginning. The objective of the present study is tried to understand the characteristics of Chinese entrepreneurs and to construct a Chinese Entrepreneur Aptitude Scale (CEAS).A conceptual framework of entrepreneur's characteristics has been proposed from past literature review, which includes four conceptual dimensions and twelve measured traits. The four conceptual dimensions are autonomy & self-discipline, social networking, innovation, and leadership & communication. Present study adopted both qualitative and quantitative approach to test the proposed framework of Chinese entrepreneur's characteristics. In the part of qualitative research, a content analysis of the Chinese youth entrepreneur's biography is conducted. The four conceptual dimensions can be successfully used in analyzing Chinese entrepreneur's characteristics. The major results are consistent with the western researches. However, business ethics and social responsibility get the highest frequency in the Chinese entrepreneurs, which mean the Chinese entrepreneurs are more emphasis on business ethics and social responsibility. In the part of quantitative research, the CEAS is constructed based on the proposed four conceptual dimensions of entrepreneur characteristics. The reliability and construct validity of the CEAS are relatively high. The results of the quantitative research are consistent with the qualitative research's findings, which support the conceptual framework of entrepreneur characteristics. The present research findings have both theoretical and practical implications. On the theoretical side, the conceptual framework of Chinese entrepreneur's characteristics can be used for researchers who interested in studying Chinese entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial behaviors, to carry out systematic and intensive studies. On the practical side, the CEAS can be used for theoretical research and practical career counseling who intends to set up new business.


