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Social Stigma, Discrimination, Marginalization and Prejudice towards Persons with Tuberculosis: A Systematic Review Study


Tuberculosis is one of the most commonly diseases in India. It is a highly infectious disease and most commonly affects the lungs of a person. Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease caused by a Bacterium, Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It is spread through the air by a person suffering from TB. A single patient can infect 10 or more people in a year. India has a long and distinguished tradition of research in TB. Evidence indicates that TB has plagued mankind since ancient times. According to data from WHO on global drug resistance, an estimated 3.6 percent of global incident (new) TB cases, or a total of 440,000 cases, were MDR TB in 2008 (95 percent confidence interval, 390,000-510,000). The current tuberculosis (TB) control strategy in India largely ignores psychosocial needs of the patients. The present study was prompted by the recognition that, if TB treatment is to be culturally sensitive and effective, the psychosocial problems and issues need to be recognized and addressed. Social stigma, discrimination, marginalization and prejudice are complex problems in the lives of persons with Tuberculosis in India. The diversity and depth of research work underscores the complexity of the linkages between stigma, prejudice and health issues. The development of practical interventions and policies to reduce and attenuate the impacts of stigma and prejudice on health for marginalized populations depends on more fully understanding these linkages.
