  • 期刊


On the Concept of Eschatological Responsibility in Moltmann's Ethics of Hope


一向以理論與實踐兼顧的莫特曼,卻延宕發展其盼望倫理學。原本在出版《盼望神學》、《被釘在十字架的上帝》和《聖靈大能下的教會》三部曲之後,莫特曼就打算撰寫《盼望倫理學》,直到數十年之後,他才以2010 年出版的《盼望倫理學》圓了其心願。多數神學倫理學比較不強調責任論述,因強調責任論述將導致基督徒聚焦於承擔一般的社會責任,而失去基督教倫理學的獨特性。與多數神學倫理學比較起來,責任概念與論述在莫特曼的倫理學中卻更加顯著,特別是他關切大自然、人類本身和科技文明的危機。本文探討莫特曼盼望倫理學的責任概念:1)具終末取向,2)兼顧擔負現代性對世界影響的責任,及基督教倫理學的主體性,3)屬事前而不是事後責任。最後,以探討莫特曼的責任論述與盼望論述之間的關聯,及處理盼望危機(crisis of hope)的問題作結。


Moltmann, who emphasizes the importance of theory and praxis, took a long time to develop his ethics of hope. After publishing his trilogy, Theology of Hope (1964), The Crucified God (1972), and The Church in the Power of the Spirit (1975), Moltmnn failed to write an ethics of hope. It was only after a few decades that he managed to publish Ethics of Hope in 2010. Many theological ethics do not have any significant emphasis on the discourse of responsibility. They fear that such an emphasis may focus on the common responsibilities that Christian share with the wider society and the distinctness of Christianity may be lost as a result. Unlike many theological ethics, the discourse of responsibility is a significant emphasis in Moltmann's major works, especially when Moltmann explored crises in ecology, humanity, and the scientific-technological era. This paper explains that the concept of 'responsibility' in Moltmann's ethics of hope has to be understood within his theological framework. The paper argues that the theological basis for the concept of 'responsibility' in Moltmann's ethics of hope: 1) is eschatologically oriented, 2) can preserve the distinctiveness of Christian commitments after taking responsibility for the world, and 3) is an ex ante responsibility, but not an ex post responsibility. The paper will close by briefly exploring the relationship between the discourses of hope and of responsibility, and explaining how Molmann copes with the problems of crises of hope.
