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長久以來,性工作者在污名化與邊緣化下成爲社會最底層的「從屬者」(subaltern),既沒有發言的管道,即使發言,也無從被聽見與理解。因而在討論涉及此一對象及其有關論題時,必須正視其從屬主體(the subaltern as Subject)的異質性,由此不僅應該揚棄社會上輕易採用的清除、迫害或拯救的觀點,更應避免僭越代爲其發言。本文嘗以根據報告文學(reportage)改編拍攝而成的香港電影《性工作者十日談》(Whispers and Moans)爲影像文本,透過對電影中女性性工作者在工作場域内的「專業操演」以及其内部階級流動的分析觀照,以期指出性工作者作爲一種邊緣主體的表述,其能動性發言的可能。


Sex workers who are classified as subalterns under the dominant social framework and its stigmatizing perspective for a long time, can neither speak, nor be heard. Therefore, when the discussion goes on them, the heterogeneity of the subaltern classes must be taken into account while the perspectives commonly taken by the society on them, such as eradication, suppression or salvation, shall be discarded. Moreover the discussion shall avoid representing them. This article focuses on the female sex workers in the movie adaptation of a reportage titled "Whispers and Moans", filmed in Hong Kong, to re-encounter the value and agency of the subject as well as their right to speak, through analyzing their "professional performance" at workplace and class mobility in their industry.


Subject agency Whispers and Moans sex work female sex worker
