  • 期刊


Development of a Framework for Habitat Connectivity of the Black-Faced Spoonbills – An Example of Taiwan Wetlands of Importance


黑面琵鷺(Platalea minor)爲瀕臨滅絕物種,每年有超過半數以上族群量於臺灣度冬,族群量不斷增加與擴散。本研究應用地景連結度概念,建構檢視黑面琵鷺停棲棲地品質與連結狀況之方法,評估其棲地分布與連結劃設,以2期計23處臺灣之國家重要濕地作爲分析對象,使用黑面琵鷺之度冬年數、最高數量、可利用棲地面積及地景發展強度(Landscape Development Intensity,LDI)等參數計算棲地値與連結度,並繪製濕地間移棲之最低成本路徑圖(least cost path)。結果顯示第1期(1984-2003年)濕地棲地値與連結度皆以曾文溪口濕地爲最大,第2期(2011-2014年)棲地値仍以曾文溪口濕地爲最大,連結度則以四草濕地爲最大,而曾文溪口與四草濕地停棲數量降低且人爲干擾增加,族群量有向周邊濕地擴散現象。黑面琵鷺於濕地間之移棲路徑,由於原西南群新增3處濕地,增加棲地連結,而原東北群與西北群卻因各少了2處濕地,棲地連結變差與導致斷鏈狀況。此外,彰化至雲林間連結之缺口,其間卻存有停棲紀錄如濁水溪口濕地,若能劃設爲重要濕地,必能改善濕地保護區之連結狀況,而本研究之研究架構亦可提供棲地連結、生態廊道規劃及保護區劃設基準參考。


黑面琵鷺 棲地值 連結度


The Black-faced Spoonbills have been regarded as a threatened species. More than half of the population wintered in Taiwan. Its population were increased at Chiku and spread to surrounding area. In this study, we developed a methodology to examine the quality and linkage status of the habitat sites in Taiwan; and to assess appropriateness of the distribution and habitat sites. We used four parameters including wintering years, maximum number, habitable value, and landscape development intensity (LDI) index to calculate habitat value and connectivity of 23 selected wetlands in two different periods, also drew the least cost path of the Black-faced Spoonbills moving among these wetlands. The results showed the highest habitat value and connectivity both occurred at the Zengwun Estuary Wetland at first period (1984-2003). The highest habitat value was also detected at the Zengwun Estuary Wetland and the highest connectivity value was the Sihcao Estuary Wetland at second period (2011-2014). However, the maximum number of Zengwun Estuary and Sihcao Estuary wetlands decreased and anthropogenic disturbance increased. It was indicated that the population size of the Black-faced Spoonbills had spread to the surrounding wetlands. The paths of Black-faced Spoonbills flying movement among wetlands, the southwestern group habitat linkage increased since the addition of three wetlands, the habitat linkage decreased since the group at the northeastern and northwestern lacked two wetlands especially. Furthermore, the gap, without the Wetlands of Importance, in Changhua and Yunlin counties had some Black-faced Spoonbill habitat records such as Choshui Estuary. If this site could be designated as Wetlands of Importance, it would be able to improve the link status. The research framework could also provide baseline reference and application for the linkage of habitats, planning of ecological corridors and designing of refuges.
