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Ocean science and education toward sustainable development goals (SDGs): A case study of coral's framework


依據聯合國2015年永續發展指標(Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs),目標14「海洋生態」(Life Below Water)係為關注地球海洋生態環境的永續發展。海洋佔地球面積的3/4,而且海洋物理、化學性質,以及海洋生物影響地球生態系統服務功能。在享受海洋資源的同時,若因沒有正確的海洋知識、態度或行為,導致自然生態造成不可逆的後果,這將與現今的世界趨勢-「永續」背道而馳。因此,進行海洋科學和教育的永續發展指標(SDGs)在公民社會「跨界合作」,結合海洋議題,藉由跨領域合作激發出創新行動,例如海洋教育的倡議團體,結合國內現行海洋研究、環境教育之推動,減少海洋汙染和生態破壞的相關倡議,便可共同推動海洋教育的改革。依據聯合國2015年永續發展目標之目標14「海洋生態」(Life Below Water)所論之「保育及永續利用海洋與海洋資源,以確保永續發展」進行量表設計,將下列細項目標納入設計。包括了依照國家與國際法規,以及可取得的最佳科學資訊,保護至少10%的海岸與海洋區。並且提高科學知識,發展研究能力,轉移海洋科技,思考跨政府海洋委員會的海洋科技轉移準則,以改善海洋的健康,促進海洋生物多樣性對開發中國家的發展貢獻。本研究以臺灣北海岸常見的珊瑚群聚的復育機制觀察架構進行說明,形成復育假說。研究標的包括枝狀珊瑚,例如:細枝鹿角珊瑚(Pocillopora damicornis)、萼形柱珊瑚(Stylophora pistillata)、芽枝軸孔珊瑚(Acropora gemmifera)、指形軸孔珊瑚(A. digitifera)、小叢軸孔珊瑚(A. verweyi)、桌形軸孔珊瑚(A. hyacinthus),以其在臺灣北海岸生長期和生長地點,可以回復,枝狀珊瑚其生態幅度雖大,但是彈性亦大,可以產生可以逆轉的效果,從更改原始狀態的返回路徑,可能導致更改後狀態;此外,團狀珊瑚包括:團塊微孔珊瑚(Porites lobata)、團塊管孔珊瑚(Goniopora lobata)。珊瑚其生態幅度較小,但是亦有生態恢復能力,也可以產生生長的效果,增加基礎覆蓋率。但是受脅珊瑚的生態閾值,以磁滯(hysteresis)為其特徵,導致珊瑚群聚地區滅絕的脆弱狀態。透過環境教育的觀察法試圖觀測實驗對象的結果,進行歸納法分析,運用建構性海洋韌性環境的觀點,形成復育假說,此外,需要不斷蒐集重要資訊,以理解我們所面臨的海洋環境破壞的問題。


According to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015, the goal 14 Life Below Water should be focused on the sustainability management of the earth's marine science and education. This paper is discussed the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development: what is the Asia-Pacific contribution. The ocean occupies 3/4 of the earth's area, and the biogeochemical properties of the ocean, as well as her depended marine life, affect the ecosystem services of the earth. While enjoying marine resources, if the natural ecology causes irreversible consequences due to lack of correct marine knowledge, attitude or behavior, this will run counter to the current world trend-sustainability and sound science. Therefore, SDGs for marine science and education are requested cross-boundary cooperation in civil society, combining marine issues, as well as stimulating innovative actions through co-evolution in all stakeholders, such as marine education of all advocacy groups that combine current domestic marine research. The promotion of environmental education and related initiatives to reduce marine pollution and, this can be jointly promoted a reform of marine education. The scale was designed in accordance with the UN SDGs 14 Life Below Water and "Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development." The following detailed targets were incorporated into the design. This includes protecting at least 10% of coastal and marine areas in accordance with national and international regulations, as well as the best scientific rigor available. I tried to improve scientific knowledge, develop all research capabilities, transfer marine science and technology, and think about technology-based transfer guidelines of the inter-governmental ocean committee to improve the health and, promote the contribution of marine biodiversity. The study found that some restoration mechanism of coral reefs. I examined the common corals on the north coast of Taiwan and, detected the hypothesis of resilience. The subject of study target includes branched corals, such as Pocillopora damicornis, Stylophora pistillata, Acropora gemmifera, A. digitifera, A. hyacinthus, and A. verweyi categorized by one of the table-shaped axis corals. Detecting their growth period and growing location on the north coast of Taiwan, all species can be restored. Although branched corals have a large ecological range, they are also flexible and, reproducing and starting to bound back from their reversible mechanisms after the disaster occurs. Changing the return path of the original state may lead to the changed state; In addition, clump corals include Porites lobata and Goniopora lobata. Coral survival areas could be detected as a small ecological range, but these species could be also flexible, representing producing reversible effects, too. However, the ecological threshold of critical corals, characterized by hysteresis, leading to a vulnerable state of local extinction. I tried to observe the results of the experimental subjects, analyzing the data of the induction method, utilized the viewpoint of constructive marine resilient environment, and collected crucial tipping points to solve the problem of marine destruction and ecological fragmentation that we face.
